Sunday, 6 February 2011

Bishops Buffet

Due to popular demand I have attached the Bishops Buffet for information.  Remember use it regularly and dip into different nibbles as and when required, I will add new items next half term!  It's all here to help you with your revision... remember 'just keep swimming'

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Useful links for revision

10%, 1/10th, 0.1 ... of the way through our revision programme. 1 week down, 9 to go!

After a few comments from some of you, I have linked in some useful sites to aid revision.  These can be used either during ICT cross curricular time, or at home.  Please feel free to add further sites under comments and I'll attach them if useful.

(links moved to the sidebar)

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Information Evening - 7th January 2011

The official countdown has begun... 10 full teaching weeks to go.  The following post contains all the important information given during the parent information evening.  If the attached images aren't clear enough please post a comment and request an original copy...

Friday, 12 November 2010

First Contact

Dear parents,

Don't panic on seeing this page added! This should help support you in the build up to end of year assessment and the SATS. It will include revision topics we will cover in class, and when. Plus important dates and links to other sites worth noting.

The first of these is the 7th January, when I shall be holding an informal, and informative session looking at how we as a school will be preparing your child, and how you as parents can support them. For now, put the date in your diaries and forget about assessments until after Christmas... Further updates and details will follow.